Oikon stewardship solutions
Oikon stewardship solutions

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oikon stewardship solutions

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oikon stewardship solutions

The third aim of marketing is to create the tourism offer which will satisfy the expectations of the visitors. On the basis of research result, a mathematical model for calculating net savings and following a revision of credit policy, has been developed and with this model a company can consider different credit policies as well as changes in credit policy in order to improve its income and profitability and establish a credit policy that results in the greatest net profitability.Īpplication of holistic destination marketing in the heritage destination enables self-sustenance of the cultural heritage and the sustainability of the destination in the long term. Secondly, the aim of theoretical research is to explore cost and benefits of changes in credit policy, determine the independent variables which have an impact on net savings and establish a relationship among them in order to develop a new mathematical model for calculating net savings following a revision of credit policy. oikon- omia, household management, whence our English term, cceconomyyy) may also be rendered stewardship. Firstly, the purpose of the empirical part of the study is to analyze accounts receivable and to demonstrate a correlation between the accounts receivable level and profitability expressed in terms of Retun on Assets (ROA) of sample companies. Accounts receivable management directly impacts the profitability of a company.

Oikon stewardship solutions